
The Snow Zone

The Spires College Ski Trip

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Farewell St Anton

Well what a week! we saw it all, snow, wind, giant snowmen, group singing in a restaurant in the style of the Von Trapp family( if they had sung wonderwall).

The children were brilliant and got to see more snow than they will probably ever see again. Ice cream evening was a hit as was bowling night and the hat found a new home with Alex Richards who deserved it for his human snowman act alone. The girls win the award for messiest room of the week...I thought we had been burgled at one point!...boys win the award for stinkiest room. Mr Mould wins the award for most snowballed teacher and Mr Phillips takes the medal for worst fashion statement for combining green rugby socks with blue thermal trousers. We hope that everyone had a great time and if anyone has any feedback then please let me know, we are always looking to make the trip the best it can be.

We are already choosing a resort for next year so if you want to be part of the process then come and see us. Rumour has it that we might be off to Italy next year. We are going to take 30-40 students on our own coach which we will use to take us to and from the slopes ..or with luck we will get a doorstep resort where the slopes are right next to the hotel.

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